Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I learned a lesson last week.  It was to be true to WHAT I am, even during times of change.  In taking on Social Media as a new color in my design pallet, I was so consumed with Ads, Tweets, Blogs, and Facebook "likes" for my clients, that I reached a point where I didn't know what to say.  I knew the importance of why, and the mechanics of how, I just couldn't think of a what!  It was terribly frustrating because ideas are generally not a problem for me.

Well, I met a new friend for coffee, and we took turns sharing about our careers, how we've discovered, developed, and remade ourselves, over the years.  I noticed as we talked that she was more interested in my Interior Design experiences, than she was my new found Social Media life.  Well, the reason for that is easy to understand - I too am excited about interior design and the homes I've done.  Social Media is the "new dress" in my closet, design is the "favorite Prada shoe". 

That was my problem.  I was trying to leave the Interior Designer out of the Social Media Administrator.  And doing that left me with nothing to say.  I have a quote, "Everyone loves a designer, they just don't want to pay for one!"  So why not use the talent, hard earned degrees, and certifications in design, to shape the words of the articles I write?  Design is a part of my soul, a part of my makeup, shouldn't I let it influence everything I do?  There are plenty of men and women talking about social media, and teaching it's platforms, but there aren't too many with a passion for color, layout, design, and architecture.

I was hired to do their social media because I understand their business from the designers perspective!  I've brought my clients to them. I've put their products in thousands of homes.  I understand how the homeowner thinks - I've worked with more than 200 a year for 15+ years!  That's what I do!  That's my niche!  I'm a designer who is also proficient with graphic, web, and social media!  What a combination, huh?  The very moment this realization came to me, new ideas started jumping around in my head like hot beans in a frying pan - and I'm not a cook!

It's like looking in the mirror... I can change the image that's reflected back to me by what I'm wearing on the outside... but the inside stays the same.  Now, translated into "design speak" that's; I really, really, like my new dress, but I LOVE my Spanx!! 


  1. Annie,

    Looks like you have found a little passion in interior Design. Very well put about a dress and Prada!


  2. Thank you Bill. It's amazing what happens when you give air to your "core" instead of trying to smother it ~ and you have a good Social Media teacher like you!


I encourage you to share your thoughts and ideas!